An effective cover letter can help you publish your manuscript in a journal that you think will recognize your research work. With the help of a good manuscript submission cover letter, you can introduce your work to the journal editor, and you can also use this letter as an opportunity to explain why the manuscript will be of interest to readers of their journal, which is an important consideration for editors. Therefore, it is crucial to spend more time drafting a convincing cover letter.
Key points to draft the journal or manuscript submission cover letter
- Name of the editor to whom you are writing the letter
- Mention the name of the journal to which you are submitting your manuscript
- Mention the submission date in the letter
- The full title of your manuscript
- Mention the type of manuscript (review article, research paper, case study, etc.)
- A brief background of your research findings
- A brief overview of the methodology used
- Key conclusions and relevance to the scientific community (how your study deepens our comprehension of a particular idea)
- Contact information or details of the corresponding author of the manuscript
- Give assurance that your paper has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal
- Make sure that all authors have approved of and have agreed to submit the manuscript to this journal

1. A Sample manuscript submission cover letter
To, Date: 22nd Dec 2023
Prof. Dr. Sumi Skellam
(Journal Name)
I would like to submit the manuscript to be considered for publication as a research article in the (journal name), with the title “Name of your research article here.” I confirm that the instructions of the journal have been read carefully and that I have developed the manuscript as per the journal format.
We declare that this manuscript is original and has not been published, is being considered for publication, or has been submitted to any other journals. I guarantee that I have reviewed and determined that no intentional or unintentional plagiarism has occurred in the present manuscript and that all the original references have been read, checked, and cited properly.
As there is an increase in demand for new scientific approaches worldwide, we believe that the findings presented in our research paper will appeal to the specific scientific community that subscribes to your journal. Although previous research has identified a few methods that could be used in analyzing molecular mechanisms in the cell, the applications developed from these findings have been cost-prohibitive and difficult to implement globally. Thus, our findings will allow researchers to understand the factors involved in cell mechanisms, identify new approaches, and develop more cost-effective procedures to screen for further cellular activities.
Please address all correspondence regarding this manuscript to me at (your organizational email ID).
We hope you find our manuscript suitable for publication, and we look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Sincere regards
Your Name
Your Organizational Email ID
2. A sample revised manuscript submission cover letter
To, Date: 22nd Dec 2023
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Gillies
(Journal Name)
Subject: Submission of Revised Manuscript (Your Manuscript Number)
I am pleased to resubmit a revised version of my manuscript (#Your Publication Number) entitled “Your publication name as mentioned in the submitted copy,” submitted to (Journal Name).
We appreciate your time and the comments you provided. Based on your comments, we have made the necessary changes to our revised manuscript. A list of changes or a rebuttal against each point that is being raised is enclosed in the revised manuscript for your kind perusal.
I hope that the editors’ comments have been properly addressed, and I am looking forward to hearing from you in due time regarding our submission and to responding to any further comments you may have.
Sincere regards
Your Name
Your Organizational Email ID