Associate Professor in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Stockholm University, Sweden, Europe

Last Date: 21 November 2023.

Research and education at Stockholm University at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP) is located in the Arrhenius Laboratories, situated at the University Campus at Frescati. Research carried out spans across a broad range of biology subject areas including Ecology and Evolution, Ecotoxicology, Marine Biology, Plant Physiology and Plant Systematics. Presently around 100 people are working at DEEP using state-of-the art methodologies in an international research environment characterized by world-recognized researchers and a high level of professionalism. The department has around 25 research groups. The teachers from DEEP are engaged in the biology education at both bachelors and masters level.

Systematic and Evolutionary Botany

Subject description

The subject area includes research on algae, land plants or fungi from phylogenetic and evolutionary perspectives.

Main responsibilities
Research, teaching and supervision.

Qualification requirements
In order to qualify for the position as associate professor, the applicant must have demonstrated good teaching skills and have a doctoral degree, or equivalent research expertise, of relevance to the subject area and the main responsibilities of the position.

A general assessment criterion is the ability to work with other people, as well as other general abilities required to perform one’s duties.

Assessment criteria
In the appointment process, special attention will be given to research and teaching skills. The assessment of research skills will focus primarily on merits within the subject area of the position.

In the assessment of teaching skills special attention will be given to the ability to teach systematic botany and field-based botany (floristics). The applicant shall have knowledge of organisms and botanical diversity (even if the research is not organism based).

Teaching and learning in higher education
Completed training in teaching and learning in higher education, or equivalent knowledge, is an advantage. An applicant who has not completed at least 15 credits of teaching and learning in higher education and is not considered to have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge should undergo such training within the first two years of employment.

Additional information
* Swedish “universitetslektor”; tenured position approximately equivalent to Senior Lecturer (UK) or Associate Professor (US).

The teaching duties include field-based courses in floristics (Swedish land plants) as well as courses in global botanical diversity from phylogenetic and evolutionary perspectives within the bachelor program in biology.
Proficiency in Swedish is not a requirement at the time of appointment, but the candidate should be able to carry out teaching and administrative duties that require good command of Swedish within a couple of years of employment.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Further information about the position can be obtained from the Head of the Department, Professor Kristoffer Hylander, telephone: +46 8 16 48 99, [email protected].

For questions regarding the application process, please contact administrator Rahwa Ghebresellase, telephone: +46 8 16 21 27, [email protected].

Union representatives
Ingrid Lander (Saco-S), telephone: +46 708 16 26 64, [email protected], Alejandra Pizarro Carrasco (Fackförbundet ST/OFR), telephone: +46 8 16 34 89, [email protected], and [email protected] (SEKO).

Apply for the position at Stockholm University’s recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

We would appreciate it if your application is written in English. Since it will be examined by international experts, English is the working language.

The University’s rules of employment and instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position.

The specific criteria for assessment of research and teaching skills within the Faculty of Science are available at: Guidelines – Employment.

You are welcome to apply!

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