Students Wanted for Exciting Summer Jobs at the School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland, Europe

Last Date: 18.2.2024.

The open positions are in all the departments of our School:

Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems (Bio2), the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering and the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science.

How to apply?

Please submit your application through our recruitment system by using the “Apply” link on this page.

If you are currently employed by Aalto University: Please submit your application directly in Workday system using your existing user account (by writing “Find jobs” in the Workday search field).

Please include the following documents in your application:

  • CV
  • Application letter – A brief introduction of yourself and preferred starting and ending dates for employment
  • Transcript of study records

You can apply for one or max three of the open positions. Please prioritize your choices using the position codes. You’ll find each position code after the name of the position in the list below – please remember your choices when you move forward with your application.

Depending on the position, the summer job can last for 3- 4 months and is carried out between May and September 2024. Please note that these summer job positions are available for undergraduate students.

We are looking forward to hearing from you – please submit your application as soon as possible, but latest on 18 February 2024. We will start reviewing candidates immediately, and the positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.

In any recruitment process related questions, please contact HR Advisor Mirjam Lappalainen, [email protected].

Please find detailed descriptions of the open positions by department and research group below:


Biohybrid Materials [Code: Kostiainen BiHy] 

 Would you like to study biomaterials and develop your expertise in e.g. DNA nanotechnology, organic synthesis and supramolecular chemistry? We are

looking for highly motivated students to summer internship and

diploma thesis positions in the Biohybrid Materials Group

We offer several topics related to the group’s research interests at the forefront of biomaterials science, for example: 1. Structural DNA nanotechnology (DNA origami preparation and characterization). 2. Organic synthesis (Cellulose fiber modification). 3. Physical virology (new virus polymorphs and capsid loading strategies).  

As a successful applicant you should be highly motivated in experimental

science and have a background in chemical technology, biosciences, physics or a closely related field. Completed B.Sc. degree is an advantage. 

Further information: Prof. Mauri Kostiainen   


Chemical Engineering research group [Code: Alopaeus CHEMENG]

Chemical Engineering research group is focusing on industrial impact based on fundamental chemical and physical sciences. We are specialized in experimental work related to physical properties and phase equilibria, separation processes, and process modeling. Based on these, we can develop and design large scale chemical processes with huge positive impact in environment, economy, and human life.

We are looking for two summer trainees in the following topics. Both MSc and BSc students are welcome. Lab work experience is required, and successful studies are considered as an asset.

1: Measurement of physical and calorimetric properties for novel solvents in CO2 capture from atmosphere

2: Testing, characterization and running extraction and distillation columns for separating value-added components from thermally recycled plastic wastes.

Further information: Prof. Ville Alopaeus 

Department of Chemical and Metallurgical engineering [Code: CMET]

Department of Chemical and Metallurgical engineering is looking for a student for developing scalable teaching methods for our BSc and MSc courses with computer aided calculation and evaluation tools both for teaching and evaluation. The foreseen tools to be used are tools belonging to MyCourses platform like quizzes, calculation quizzes and especially the combination of STACK and Maxima that allows more advanced calculations. The student should preferably have experience of our courses to be developed and some programming experience.

Further information: Prof. Ville Alopaeus 

Catalysis Research Group [Code: Puurunen CATALYSIS]

How about a summer doing catalysis-related research? In the Catalysis Research Group, we carry out multidisciplinary research at the crossroads of technical chemistry and inorganic/organic/physical chemistry. We develop and characterize heterogeneous catalysts for applications such as carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol, hydrotreating for renewable fuels, and glycerol to green aromatics. Catalysts are prepared for example by impregnation and atomic layer deposition. Catalyst characterization is made by various means, including conventional chemical analysis and adsorption-related methods.

The research is mainly experimental work in the laboratory, also some data treatment and literature survey may be included. Applications from both third-year BSc and MSc students are welcome. Previous experience in laboratory work and knowledge of catalysis (e.g. CHEM-E1130 course) is appreciated.

For further information, please contact Joakim Kattelus, [email protected].


Soft Materials Modelling [Code: Sammalkorpi SOFT]

Have you ever been interested in how liquids, biomolecular solutions, polymer assemblies, emulsions, or foams behave at molecular level? Do computer simulations and theory research at the interface of chemistry, physics, and biosciences sound like your thing?

In the Academy of Finland Center of Excellence in Life-Inspired Hybrid Materials (LIBER), we look for research-oriented B.Sc. or M.Sc. students with, for example, biomaterials, chemistry, or physics backgrounds to do research in the area of soft materials modelling.

We work on self-organizing polymer and colloidal materials for responsive assembly. Applications include advanced biosynthetic designer materials, drug transport, and adaptive coatings. Our main methodology approaches are molecular and mesoscale modelling (computer simulations), as well as theory work.

Good study record and at minimum, two first years of B.Sc. studies completed expected. Ability with computers is an advantage. The group has also M.Sc. thesis opportunities and possibilities for doctoral studies.

For further information contact Dr. Maria Sammalkorpi

Electrochemical energy conversion [Code: Kallio EEC]

Are you interested in developing materials and devices for such applications as lithium batteries, hydrogen generation via water electrolysis or conversion of waste CO2 to valuable products? Our team focuses on improving material and energy efficiency of these and other emerging electrochemical energy conversion and storage processes. The practical research work covers material synthesis, chemical characterizations, and electrochemical investigations in lab-scale devices. If you are interested in the positions, previous experience in synthesis and characterization is beneficial, likewise knowledge on electrochemistry. Further information Prof. Tanja Kallio and Dr. Milla Suominen (

Inorganic Materials Modelling [Code: Karttunen IMM-energy]

Join us to develop novel functional materials for improving energy efficiency. Research topics are available for example in the fields of thermoelectric and pyroelectric energy conversion. The research is carried out with quantum chemical materials modelling methods.

Applications from both BSc and MSc students are welcome. Previous experience in computational chemistry, solid-state chemistry, or Python programming are significant merits, but not required.

Further information: Prof. Antti Karttunen

Inorganic Materials Modelling [Code: Karttunen IMM-teaching]

Would you like to affect the way we teach at Aalto CHEM? We are looking for a student who would be interested in developing new educational content for BSc-level education. The work involves course material development for several BSc level courses. Applicants with experience in Python programming would also have the possibility to work as a teaching assistant on the course CHEM-A2600 Programming for Chemical Engineers (during May and June).

Applications from both BSc and MSc students are welcome. Requirements for the position:

  • Excellent command of Finnish is required (CEFR level C2).
  • Good study success in CHEM BSc or MSc courses is a significant merit.
  • Previous experience in Python programming is a significant merit, but not required.
  • Previous teaching experience is a significant merit, but not required.

Further information: Prof. Antti Karttunen

Inorganic Materials Modelling [Code: Karttunen IMM-virtuell]

We are looking for a summer student who would be interested in developing BSc-level teaching materials in Swedish. The work involves for example Finnish-to-Swedish translation of BSc-level course materials and virtual laboratories (see

Applications from both BSc and MSc students are welcome. Requirements for the position:

  • Excellent command of Swedish is required (CEFR level C2).
  • Good command of Finnish and English is required (approximately CEFR level B2 is needed to translate Finnish materials to Swedish).
  • Good study success in CHEM BSc or MSc courses is a significant merit.
  • Practical experience from chemistry laboratory courses is a significant merit.

Further information: Prof. Antti Karttunen

Inorganic Materials Modelling [Code: Karttunen IMM-visuenergy]

We are looking for a student who would be interested in developing BSc-level teaching materials in an international Erasmus+ project. The work involves for example Finnish-to-English translation and further development of virtual laboratories. You will be working in VISUENERGY Erasmus+ Project, where we are developing virtual laboratories with German and Italian partners (

Applications from both BSc and MSc students are welcome. Requirements for the position:

  • Excellent command of English is required (CEFR level C2).
  • Good command of Finnish is required (approximately CEFR level B2 is needed to translate Finnish materials to English).
  • Good study success in CHEM BSc or MSc courses is a significant merit.
  • Practical experience from chemistry laboratory courses is a significant merit.

Further information: Prof. Antti Karttunen
