Post-doctoral position in Economics, Aalto University, Finland, Europe

Last Date: 31.1.2024.

As part of the Helsinki GSE initiative, the Department of Economics at Aalto University School of Business invites applications for

a post doc position in Economics.

The position is in the Department of Economics of the Aalto University, the leading research-oriented economics unit in Finland. The position is part of a project “Climate Optimal Income Taxation”, funded by Research Council of Finland and led by Professor Matti Liski. The project develops a mechanism design approach to externality problems with redistribution objectives, and it has both theoretical and empirical arms. A successful candidate could have a theory or public finance background with interest in environmental economics, but candidates with broad applied interest are encouraged to apply.

The department focuses on theoretical and empirical microeconomics broadly defined. For more information about the Department, please visit:

The selected candidate will work as a part of Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (HGSE) research community, which consists of researchers from Aalto University, University of Helsinki and Hanken School of Economics. The selected candidate will work as a part of Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (HGSE) research community, which consists of researchers from Aalto University, University of Helsinki and Hanken School of Economics. Environmental economics is one of the research areas in the HGSE, organizing PhD-level teaching, biannual workshops and a seminar series. The research group is hiring another post-doc through University of Helsinki, see

The position is filled for two years, starting during Fall 2024


Applicants should hold a doctoral degree (or be near completion of the doctorate) in economics or in a related field. The applicants will be reviewed based on their research, teaching and activity in the scientific community.

For more Information

For additional information, please contact Professor Matti Liski, [email protected] (or in the case of questions relating to the recruitment process, HR Partner Tiina Paronen-Viljanen, +358 505272674, [email protected]).

Application instructions

Applications should be submitted electronically via website by January 312024

Application materials should include a cover letter, CV with a list of publications and working papers, one job market paper, and three letters of reference. Please submit all application materials in English. Virtual first round interviews will be conducted in January/February 2024.

Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open or to extend the application period.
