Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies and Journalism, Umeå University, Sweden, Europe

Last Date: 2024-01-15.

Umeå University is one of Sweden’s largest higher education institutions with over 37,000 students and about 4,700 employees. The University offers a diversity of high-quality education and world-leading research in several fields. Notably, the groundbreaking discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was made here. At Umeå University, everything is close. Our cohesive campuses make it easy to meet, work together and exchange knowledge, which promotes a dynamic and open culture.

The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is key. We also take pride in delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here.

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The Department of Culture and Media Studies is announcing a permanent position as associate professor in media and communication studies. The position is full-time starting August 1st, 2024 or by agreement. Probationary employment may be applied.

Description of duties
The job duties include campus based teaching and online teaching, seminar leadership, supervision, and examination. The position involves teaching and supervision in media and communication studies as well as journalism, in all first-cycle courses and programs, as well as teaching and supervision at an advanced level. Course administration, course development work, and other administrative tasks are also part of the position. Practical teaching, as well as teaching in English, may occur.  Competence development time is also included, corresponding to 20%.

Qualification requirements for the position
Eligible for employment as associate professor is the candidate who has demonstrated  teaching expertise and has  been awarded a doctorate in either media and communication studies or journalism or has attained equivalent academic competence or other professional expertise relevant with regards to the subject area and the duties included in the position.

Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written, and the ability to teach in English are requirements for the position. The ability to teach in Swedish (or another Scandinavian language) within two years of the start of the employment is also a requirement for the position.

Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria include the level of research and teaching expertise in the areas of media and communication studies or journalism, or closely related fields with relevant perspectives on mediated communication. Administrative skills, experience in integrating research and education, experience in teaching in Swedish and in practical work in journalism or strategic communication, experience in collaboration in teaching teams as well as other suitability factors considered essential for the successful performance of the duties.

Research expertise must have been demonstrated by independent research contributions. Assessment criteria include:

  • Breadth and depth of research – quality and scope
  • Originality of research
  • Productivity Contribution to the international research community
  • Assignments, posts and appointments in the research community
  • Ability to obtain external research funding in competition
  • Ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community

Teaching expertise for the position as associate professor must have been demonstrated through documented experience of teaching on a scientific basis within higher education. Assessment criteria include:

  • Ability to plan, implement, and evaluate teaching, as well as the ability to supervise and assess students at all levels of education
  • Ability to vary teaching methods and examination formats in relation to intended learning outcomes and the nature of the subject
  • Experience of collaboration with the wider community in planning and implementing education
  • Participation in the development of learning environments, teaching aids, and study resources
  • A reflective approach to students’ learning and one’s own role as a teacher

Teaching expertise can be obtained through teacher training for higher education, other training relevant for teaching in higher education, and/or documented, proven teaching experience in higher education.

The qualification and assessment criteria can be found in the Appointments procedure for teachers at Umeå University

Weighting the assessment criteria
Equal importance will be given to teaching and research expertise.

Particular importance will be given to research and teaching expertise. When weighting these two assessment criteria, they will be given equal importance. Additionally, attention will be given to the other evaluation criteria.

When assessing the research expertise, particular importance will be given to research skills in media and communication studies or journalism, or closely related fields with relevant perspectives on mediated communication. Furthermore, high importance will be given to the ability to take independent research initiatives in the form of grant applications, research publications, symposiums, anthology projects, etc.

When assessing the teaching expertise, particular importance will be given to the breadth of subject expertise in media and communication studies or journalism, or closely related fields with relevant perspectives on mediated communication, as well as breadth and involvement in teaching activities.  Importance will also be given to experience in course and program development.

Importance will be given  to administrative skills such as pedagogical and administrative leadership, program and course responsibility, pedagogical responsibility, positions as director of studies or equivalent.

Importance will also be given to experience in teaching in Swedish.

Certain importance will be given to practical work experience in journalism and strategic communication, as well as experience in integrating research and education. Certain importance will also be given to experience in collaboration in teaching teams and other suitability factors considered essential for the successful performance of the duties.

Applications must be submitted no later than January 15th, 2024, via the Varbi e-recruitment system. All documents will be submitted electronically.

Information regarding which documents are required for the submission of the application can be found in the Guidelines for applications for employment and promotion at Umeå University’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities:

The starting date for the position is August 1st, 2024, or by agreement. The place of work is Umeå, and a high presence at the department is a requirement.

At the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, it is possible to apply for research time within the framework of publication-based research resources.

As a state employee, there are many benefits that you can learn more about here: 

For more information about the position, please contact the Head of Department, Peter Henning, at +46 90 786 78 11 or [email protected] 

Welcome with your application!
